Philip Davies Philip Davies

Can we build enough housing for everyone?

The media keeps reiterating there is a housing crisis and the only way out is to build more houses. Every region of our country has experienced growth in development and we still dont have enough housing. 

Maybe the issue is not enough houses but are there other solutions?.

One solution is what type of housing are we building?

I have lived in the Greater Vancouver area for over 30 years and  have seen tremendous growth in the development of housing throughout the area. The majority of the housing built in the Vancouver area has been with townhouses and condo towers development due to the restriction in the land space available. These properties are smaller spaces than single family homes compared to other areas of the country where the development is suburban areas with single family homes. The argument I hear is we have the land so why should we not build single family homes?. Just because the land is there should we use it all for housing.  

All areas are losing valuable land for growing food to develop housing.

The housing issue has many factors and developing only one or two styles of properties in an area limits people’s choice, whenever consumer choice is limited costs are increased. The development of suburban areas where people need a vehicle to get to work, school or shopping also increases the cost of living. All regions need to have a better mix of single family homes, duplexes, townhouses, condos and purpose built rental apartments to facilitate the needs of all the people needed to make an economy work effectively. 

People grow up in an area with their families then want to move out of the home to live on their own and start their own life. In many areas of the country this means they need to move far away as housing in that area is only one type mostly family homes and they need  a smaller property to start out in. When children move out of the family home they should have an option to rent or buy a product that is in close proximity to where they lived with their family. In addition, on the other end of life if elderly parents want to move closer to family it would be helpfull to have different types of housing in all areas. In both of these situations having family closer can help families support each other when needed.

Another question asked in recent years is, are we using the current housing correctly?.

Governments have changed laws to add empty homes taxes, speculation taxes and limiting short term rentals to ensure housing is used for people to live in and not for other uses, which I think are all good things. There are a few areas the government could help with the cost of housing. 

One area I would like to see the government consider changing is people who are unable to afford their homes and want to continue living there. I am talking specifically about reverse or CHIP mortgages. The basic concept of these programs are for people over 55 a financial institution will loan you money based on the equity in your home to allow you to stay in the home you have lived in for a long time. 


The reality of these programs are, “financial institutions are lending people money to stay in a home they are unable to afford”. If you are unable to afford the home, should you borrow money to live there? Part of the problem with this program is related to the first issue here which is the development of various types of housing. When areas are limited by the types of housing owners residents are forced to move from an area they like and are familiar with living in. They choose to borrow funds to stay in a house that is too large for them or build a basement suite to rent to help afford the property. Both of these situations lead to potential financial issues for the homeowner and housing potentially not be used to its full potential. If these owner’s moved, a family who needs that much space would use the full property and the homeowner would have a smaller home in the same area with no debt and not being forced to be a landlord. In many areas there are limited options for homes and a senior or elderly person who wants to stay in the same area they have lived in for many years struggle to find suitable places to live. If the seniors could sell their property and move five minutes down the road to a smaller place and keep the family, friends and support network around them as they had before.

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Philip Davies Philip Davies

What is Affordable Housing?

Politicians use this term like they are ordering fries at McDonalds. 

“We need more affordable housing!” 

The question is, what does that term mean?

If the renter can’t afford to rent the unit then it is “unaffordable”. The issue is how do we build rental products that people can afford? The difficult issue is everyone has a different opinion of what is needed for housing. 

Many stories refer to the governments of the past subsidising developers to build rental apartments. This was done as a way to encourage the developers to build a product that in their mind was not profitable. In any business if it is not profitable then how does the government expect people and businesses to build and operate apartment buildings.  

The emergence of the condominium in the market allowed developers to build a product that was profitable for the developer, and unaffordable for the renter. The downside to this is the condo is a product the developers keep improving and trying to make better than the last one, which naturally increases the cost of the product. All levels of government have permitted the development of condo buildings due to the development fees they are charging over the development of purpose built rental buildings. How has this led to unaffordable housing?. 

The main difference to condo owners renting out their properties to purpose built rental properties is the market is always fluctuating. When the condo market increases in price, owners sell the properties to take profits. That is great for the owners, but it puts pressure on the rental market as many rental properties leave the market, reducing the supply when there is a high demand and that naturally increases costs. When purpose built rental properties are built they never leave the market keeping a stable number of properties in the rental market. This means the governments should be requiring purpose built rental each year to offset the condo development market. Developers won’t like this as it would reduce their profits and they may choose to stop building, which then increases the cost of purchasing a house.  

In recent years governments have approved the development of rental buildings to increase the rental stock, which is a good move. The problem with the newer developments is that they look like “condo buildings”.  They have insuite laundry, marble counters, high end appliances, fitness and recreation rooms. This is all great but that is not what the market needs. That is the same market as the condo market, which tenants are advising is unaffordable. 

Let’s compare this to the auto market. Car manufacturers are always pushing the higher end of their lineup and reducing the entry level cars in the market. This increases the cost of the products being sold. Now imagine if car dealers were not allowed to sell used cars. The only car you can buy is brand new, the cost of the cars would be increased further. This is what has happened in housing, there were no used cars for sale for too long and now the industry is trying to bring in more used cars to help the market, except they are only bringing in cars that are two or three years old and are only the best models. This would not reduce the cost of buying a car.

Governments need to push developers to build a certain product that the market needs for purpose built rental housing. When left to their own devices the developers will build the higher end product which allows them the greatest return on investment, I don’t blame them for that everyone else would do the same. Maybe what needs to happen is each year the government contracts to the private sector to build a specific purpose built rental product and then it is managed by a third party. Every five or ten years the government sells these products to the free market using the funds from the sale to build more products. These products need to be entry level type products. No fitness rooms, shared laundry etc. Like an entry level vehicle. 

Allowing the developers to dictate what they want to build will only result in unaffordable housing.     

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Philip Davies Philip Davies

Who is the Landlord on the Tenancy Agreement

The Government of BC offers a standard tenancy agreement. Cartref Properties always uses the standard agreement along with an addendum. Why do we use the standard agreement? The Residential Tenancy Act has requirements on what must be included in all agreements. The standard agreement meets all the basic requirements of a tenancy agreement. 

One important requirement of a tenancy agreement is properly identifying the legal names of the landlord and tenants. The first section of the standard agreement is the section you fill in the proper names of the landlord and tenant. This section indicates if the landlord is a company, use the last name section for the company name. What we have experienced recently is some property management companies are indicating their company name in this section when they are managing a unit for an individual owner. Is this the correct use of this section? We don’t think so.


After identifying the landlord the agreement asks for the names of the tenants, the address for the rental unit, followed by the address for service and has the option of identifying if the address is for the landlord or the landlord’s agent.

In multiple cases we have seen property management companies identify themselves as the landlord then indicate their business address for service and check the box that they are the landlord’s agent. On a tenancy agreement the landlord and landlord’s agent are two different parties, the landlord can’t also be the landlord’s agent, these two parties must be different people. Why is this important? If the owner of the property elects to move on to a different property management company there could be issues as the landlord is not listed as a party to the rental contract. If the tenancy has an RTB case it could be identified the contract has an issue with the proper identification of the parties involved. 

We are unsure what this could mean in a RTB hearing though it would not look favourable on the landlord or the property management company. Often in a hearing it might be a requirement to submit a copy of the tenancy agreement. With property management the RTB expects landlords to have more knowledge than tenants and property management companies to have even more knowledge than landlords. The higher the expectation the higher the standard the RTB holds for understanding the Tenancy Laws, which can lead to the RTB making a decision not fully based on facts but based on misrepresentation on a tenancy agreement.


Understanding the difference between who a landlord is and who the landlord’s agent is, is an important part of managing a property. Filling out documents incorrectly leads to potential negative experiences in a tenancy.  

Need assistance managing your rental property. 

Cartref Properties can assist you, call today to discuss your needs. 

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Philip Davies Philip Davies

Why you should not hire the strata management company to manage your rental in a building they manage!.

When hiring a rental management company to manage your investment property there are many factors you should consider. One factor that is often misunderstood is what happens if you hire the strata management company who manages the building your investment property is located in.

BCFSA has rules regarding conflicts of interest. One of the conflicts of interest is when a strata management company also manages rental units in buildings they provide strata management services to. In these situations BCFSA requires the management company to obtain permission from their clients to modify their duties when a conflict arises. This is obtained by having one client, always the rental client, sign an agreement that indicates they are the secondary client and their duties will be modified during conflicts of interest. Why would you hire a property manager who needs to modify their duties and is unable to provide proper representation while managing your investment property. 

When is there a conflict between strata corporations and rental owners?. There are two major issues that create conflicts between rental owners and strata corporations. One is when there is a bylaw infraction, and the second is when there is an insurance claim or damage caused to your unit by the strata or another unit. 

When you rent your strata lot tenants sign a Form K which means they agree to adhere to the strata bylaws for the property. If the strata management company issues a bylaw infraction to your tenant, and the council directs the management company to apply a fine, is your rental manager ensuring their own management company is properly applying the strata bylaws and following proper procedure for enforcing bylaws. Or are they asking you to follow the directions of the strata due to the management company managing the building. 

This is when the conflict arises and if the rental manager speaks up to provide the rental owner with advice the management company would then possibly be violating their obligations to the strata corporation by not following their directions. That is why in these cases the rental clients, who are the smaller portion of the business, will be the client who has the modified duties applied to the services they are receiving. 

Recently we had an experience with a bylaw requesting the tenant pay a move out fee. The bylaw clearly states the move fee is not charged to move outs only move ins or moves from one unit to another in the building. 

The bylaw wording is:

"the moving fee applies only to occupiers moving into the building or from one suite to another"

We are stil awaiting a response from the strata manager to confirm our tenant is not required to pay a move out fee. Why should the rental manager be asking the strata manager to clarify and ensure the fee is not required here. If the tenant fails to pay the fee, the strata will apply this fee to the owner’s account and maybe apply a fine to the owners account expecting the owner to pay the fine, due to the tenants actions even when the bylaws are being applied inaccurately. When the management company is also managing the rental unit they may miss an issue of this nature and just request the owner pay a fee or fine that is not required. 

The above situation could also apply when an insurance claim occurs. In an insunrace claim this could lead to an owner being charged a fine, deductible and or repair costs without having proper advice on who is responsible for the costs related to the issue. 

Avoid conflicts of interest in management of your investment rental property, by not hiring the management company who provides the strata management services.  


Need assistance managing your rental property. 

Cartref Properties can assist you, call today to discuss your needs. 

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Philip Davies Philip Davies

Do I know the Tenancy Laws?

Often I find myself communicating with individual landlords who are renting their own property out who indicate they are familiar with the tenancy laws. It’s not long into the discussion when the conversation turns to a specific tenancy situation and as the landlord explains how they manage their property when they identify their lack of knowledge of the tenancy laws. One of the most common misunderstood portions of the tenancy laws are fixed term tenancies. 

Recently I was speaking with a landlord who indicated they offer their properties on a three month fixed term agreement, then if they like the person after three months they offer them another three months or longer. When I asked how they managed this process they looked confused? I explained that BC tenancy laws require landlords to indicate at the start of the tenancy if the rental is a fixed term and for what length. It also requires the landlord to indicate they are moving in at the end of the fixed term if they want the tenant to move out.  

If the landlord doesn’t indicate they are moving in then the fixed term automatically becomes a month to month tenancy at the end of the fixed term. When the landlord does request the tenant to vacate the landlord or a close family member as defined in the Residential Tenancy Act must move in for a minimum of six months.

Many Landlords are looking for ways to vacate tenants and personal use is a common way they look at moving the tenants out. Misunderstanding this fundamental law can lead to many difficulties. When a landlord evicts a tenant for personal use and doesn’t move into the property for the six months the tenants have the right to file a claim for being evicted in bad faith and the maximum penalty for this is the equivalent of 12 months rent. This fixed term law prohibits apartment buildings from evicting a tenant and re-renting their unit at a higher rental rate above the allowable annual rent increase limit. The Residential Tenancy Act was changed in 2017 to prevent landlords from taking advantage of tenants through this process. Prior to 2017 many landlords would use fixed term tenancies to vacate their tenants from a property and bring in a different tenant who was prepared to pay a higher rent. The law was changed due to the abuse by landlords who were creating a negative tenancy enviroment in the rental market. Landlords would like to see this changed though I am sure it won’t be changed back, requiring landlords to educate themself of the laws. 

It is important for landlords to understand the basic laws that govern tenancies in BC. When there is a dispute between a landlord and tenants, the landlord is the party who is expected to have more knowledge than the tenant.     

Need assistance managing your rental property. 

Cartref Properties can assist you, call today to discuss your needs. 

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