What rules and bylaws affect renting my strata lot?

Every Strata Corporation has rules and bylaws which all owners and tenants are required to adhere to. One that is often overlooked is the move in rule or bylaw. Many Strata Corporations have either rules or bylaws outlining the process for moving into their Strata Corporation. The bylaws will often state a fee for moving, times when people can move, and how to book an elevator. One aspect that is often overlooked is the notice required to give the Strata Corporation a new tenant will be moving in. Many bylaws state the owner is required to provide the Strata Corporation 48hrs, 7 days or another identified time of notice before a tenant occupies the rental unit. What this part of the bylaw is designed to prevent are Landlords renting the property on Friday evening and tenants moving in Saturday morning without the Strata Corporation knowing. Many buildings install protective materials to elevators preventing damage during a move and require time for these to be installed. It is respectful to other residents in the building to be aware of a move occurring especially when an elevator needs to be occupied as this will disrupt other residents ability to access the building. Landlords should ensure they have read the entire move in process, informed their tenant and communicated to the Strata Corporation when their tenants are moving in or out of a property.          

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