What is stage two of a tenancy?

Previously we have mentioned that every tenancy has three stages. Stage one is the process of selecting a tenant, stage three is the ending of the tenancy. Stage two is the part in the middle, it’s managing the tenants while they occupy the property. Many landlords find tenants and when they pay rent on time are satisfied they have a successful tenancy. They fail to manage the property during the tenancy. 

Every tenancy agreement has multiple different clauses, payment of the rent is only one portion of the tenancy agreement.  Section 47(1) of the Residential Tenancy Act outlines reasons a Landlord can terminate a tenancy for cause. There are 12 different examples listed. Failing to pay a security or pet deposit and rent or only two of the twelve reasons listed. 

Some of the other reasons for termination include the tenant has failed to comply with a material term of the tenancy, there are an unreasonable number of people residing at the property, the tenant has caused damage to the property and a tenant has sublet the property to another party without the permission of the landlord. The tenant is doing something illegal. All of these items are undetectable by receiving the rent.  

In our experiences we have come across the people living in the property not who are on the tenancy due to a relationship breakdown, job loss or other circumstances. Often tenants obtain pets after they occupy a rental unit. This is a material term of the agreement if pets aren’t permitted.  Tenants often fail to report potential damage to the property fearing they may be responsible for the issue. There are times when a tenant is responsible for damage, and there are times when a landlord is responsible for the maintenance of the property.

How can a landlord manage stage two of the tenancy?. The Residential Tenancy Act allows Landlords to access their rental properties at least once per month, with proper notice to inspect the unit. In some cases this frequency may be needed, in most cases a minimum of two per year (every six months)  is a good inspection time frame. Some homeowner insurance providers require rental properties be inspected every three months. As a landlord it is important to ask your provider what their requirements are. 

Cartref Properties performs two inspections within a twelve month period for all the properties we manage. We are clear in our intentions to the tenant in that we inspect the property to ensure they are adhering to the tenancy agreement including the above mentioned reasons for termination. Performing inspections is also a great opportunity for landlords to save cost on repairs. Being proactive in repairing an item is less costly than waiting for the item to fail completely. Completing a minor repair to prevent a major issue can save significant cost in the long run.    

Cartref Properties goal for our clients is to have a positive tenancy with their rental property. Managing stage two with cooperation from the tenants and landlords creates a more positive tenancy, encourages engagement from the tenants, and improves the tenancy experience for all parties. During stage one, Cartref Properties is clear to applicants about how we will manage stage two and the requirement for inspections. We find this eliminates negative experiences in tenancies as the quality of applicants increases.   

If you need assistance managing your rental property, Cartref Properties can assist you, call today to discuss your needs. You can find more information about us at: www.cartrefproperties.com


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